ERP > ERP application framework
ERP application framework
Openbravo ERP is an application developed through an integrated development framework included in Openbravo ERP distribution. This integrated development framework takes care of a wide range of concerns in all the areas involved during the development process. Most relevant from low level to high level:
- Integration with Eclipse IDE
- Integration with SCM (Mercurial)
- Automated build process
- Automated update process
- Automated deploy process
- Built-in infrastructure for several common development needs:
- MVC framework (xmlEngine, httpBaseServlet, sqlc)
- Ajax-JavaScript user interfaces (integration with Dojo)
- Data access layer (based on Hibernate)
- Web server and servlet-container (integration with Apache-Tomcat and support to other J2EE implementations)
- Reporting (integration with Jasper-reports engine)
- Web services (integration with Apache-Axis)
- Emailing (integration with Sun mail)
- Process scheduling (integration with Quartz)
- MDD development framework (Openbravo Application Dictionary)
- Multi-language user interface support
- Built-in security model
- Built-in enterprise model
- Multi-currency support
- Multi-accounting schema support